We believe baptism is an outward physical picture of an inward spiritual reality (Romans 6:3-4). Baptism is a picture of what happens at salvation. It is the way that we identify with what Jesus did on the cross.
Anyone who has chosen to follow Jesus. The New Testament order is always to believe and then be baptized (Matthew 28:19; Acts 8:35-36; Acts 10:47-48). The New Testament examples demonstrate that baptism is for followers of Jesus. Baptism always followed salvation; it did not precede it.
It is commanded for all believers (Matthew 28:19-20) and it was demonstrated by the early church (Acts 2:38)
There are three key reasons for why we baptize by fully immersing in water.
1. The Greek term for baptize (baptizo) literally means to submerge or immerse.
2. Immersing is the best picture of the spiritual reality of baptism (Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12).
3. The New Testament describes immersion as the mode of baptism practiced in the early church. (Mark 1:9-10, Matthew 3:6, John 3:23)