Emotionally Healthy Spiritually

Emotionally Heathy Spirituality by Pete Scazzero is an interactive, video-based discipleship course offered every other year. In this study, Scazzero outlines his journey and offers a roadmap for a walk with Jesus that is powerfully transformative.

Topics in this 8-week series include:

  • How to identify emotionally unhealthy spirituality
  • Breaking the power of the past
  • Growing your soul through grief and loss
  • How to develop into an emotionally mature adult

Be sure to check our Events page to see when this class will be offered next!

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Emotionally Healthy Relationships

Emotionally Healthy Relationships by Pete and Geri Scazzero is designed to help you grow in all your relationships, and to love people well, even in difficult situations. This interactive, 8-week video course will equip you with practical tools that will change how you relate to others.

Emotionally Healthy Relationship skills include:

  • Exploring the Iceberg—engaging questions that go beneath the surface
  • Stop Mind Reading and Clarify Expectations
  • Genogram Your Family—understanding the influences of your family of origin
  • Climb the Ladder of Integrity—offering direction for conflict resolution

Be sure to check our Events page to see when this class will be offered next.

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Financial Peace University

Do you need help managing your finances? Do you feel like sometimes your bills control you? Are you struggling with debt? 

Financial Peace University is a 9-week class offered yearly that teaches you step by step how to pay off debt fast and build wealth for your future, helping you take control of your finances.

In FPU, you’ll learn how to

  • Attack debt
  • Save for emergencies
  • Choose the right insurance plans
  • Invest wisely
  • Give generously

Be sure to check our Events page to see when this class will be offered next!

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