Roddy Hannah

Pastor of Ministries

Roddy was exposed to the gospel from a young age. Despite knowing about God through his parents and church, he wrestled with fear about how God viewed him, working hard to manage appearances. It wasn't until age 19, during a funeral, that Jesus finally made sense. The empty lyrics in the Pink Floyd song, "Wish You Were Here" served as a catalyst to making his faith his own. God used Pink Floyd to help him see he was "a lost soul” without Christ, and he surrendered his life that day.

Roddy attended Clarks Summit University for his undergraduate degree in Bible and still holds the record for completing a 2-year master’s degree in counseling in 7 years. He later received his PA licensure in professional counseling. For 19 years, Roddy worked extensively in student development at the collegiate level.

Roddy began his role as Pastor of Ministries in July 2017. He works closely with community groups, Adultish (a ministry to young adults), the care team, and assists people in finding their next step at CCC.

Roddy has been married to his wife, Amy, since 1998. God blessed them with two children, Madelyn and Mark. Roddy and Amy love to host groups of people in their home and have found great joy in hospitality. They enjoy cooking together and waking up early to share a cup of coffee and talk about what God has done.

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